Pharmacy proved itself to be a fundamental industry during Covid-19, when one virus was able to paralyse the whole world, freeze the economy, and bring trade to a standstill. Now too, in the shadow of war, the availability of medicines is vital. How ready is Latvia for turmoil in various forms, and can we invent and produce the medicines we need not only today, but in the future? The answers to these and other questions will be sought on 9 March during “Health. Security. Pharmacy”, a conference organised by AS Olainfarm to mark the company’s 50th anniversary.

During the conference, participants will have the opportunity to listen to the experience of domestic and foreign experts in the realms of economics and public health, as well as to discuss the industry’s development and future with decision-makers. The conference will be held in three parts: A Cross-Section of Public Health, The Role of Pharmacy and Medicine at X Hour and The Pharmaceutical Industry and the Latvian Economy.

“Compared with the situation globally, the advantages of the Latvian pharmaceutical industry lie in its outstanding scientific base, strong traditions and priceless innovations. Right now, in Latvia, we already provide a full developmental and supply chain for medicines, incorporating high level education, research and innovations, industrial production and exports, local and regional supply and pharmaceutical care. We have the capability to develop original medicines. However, this requires much more synergy between the medical community and the public, education, science, producers and decision-makers. The availability of medicines has become an issue not only of public health, but also of national security. Therefore, we are inviting all the relevant parties to convene at the conference in the hope that we can find answers to important questions.” says AS Olainfarm’s Chairman of the Board Juris Bundulis.

Among the conference participants will be the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) senior fellow and Foreign Policy and POLITICO Europe journalist Elisabeth Braw, European Commission Commissioner for Trade Valdis Dombrovskis, the Republic of Latvia’s Minister for Economics Ilze Indriksone, Minister for Education and Science Anda Čakša, Minister for Health Līga Meņģelsone, and the Ministry of Defence’s State Secretary Jānis Garisons. Also in attendance will be Ombudsman Juris Jansons, as well as health sector experts including Latvian Medical Association President Ilze Aizsilniece, Vice-President of the Association of Rural Family Doctors, family doctor Ainis Dzalbs, Pauls Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital Institute of Science Director, University of Latvia Vascular Surgery Professor and LAS academic Dainis Krieviņš, Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Infectious Disease Risk Analysis and Prevention Department Director Jurijs Perevoščikovs, National Health Service Director Āris Kasparāns, pharmaceutical industry representatives: AS Olainfarm Chairman of the Board Juris Bundulis and Repharm Board Member Jānis Vanags. At the conference, the realm of science will be represented by Latvian Academy of Sciences’ President Ivars Kalviņš and Institute of Organic Synthesis Director Osvalds Pugovičs. Speakers on the subjects of economics and  exports will include SEB Bank Economist Dainis Gašpuitis, Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Aigars Rostovskis, Employers’ Confederation of Latvia President Andris Bite, Altum Chairman of the Board Reinis Bērziņš, Investment and Development Agency of Latvia Deputy Director in Charge of Exports, Baltic Institute of Corporate Governance CEO Andris Grafs, and Stockholm School of Economics in Riga Professor and Centre for Sustainable Business Director Arnis Sauka.