In spring this year, Olainfarm, the leading pharmaceutical company in the Baltics, launched a new long-term scholarship programme for future chemistry teachers. It will invest €75,000 over five years, with five €3,000 scholarships each year for young chemistry teachers. The first three scholarships were awarded in the spring, and prospective chemistry teachers have until 30 September to apply for the next two scholarships.

“The new academic year is about to start in schools and universities, but the shortage of teachers is becoming more pressing. Teachers are already being sought in a number of subjects, including chemistry. But motivated, enthusiastic and valued teachers are critical to getting children interested in learning, both in science and in other subjects. Therefore, appreciating the role of teachers and encouraging young people to discover the fascinating world of chemistry, on the initiative of Olainfarm shareholders, a scholarship programme has been established, inviting future chemistry teachers to apply for two scholarships for the coming autumn,” invites Juris Bundulis, Chairman of the Board of Olainfarm AS.

Prospective chemistry teachers are invited to apply for the scholarship by 30 September this year by filling in a motivated application form on the Olainfarm website. The scholarship will be awarded to students with the highest grades in the previous semester or to first-year students with the highest grades in their secondary school certificate. The teachers who will receive the scholarship this autumn semester will be announced in October this year.

“Interest in chemistry comes from passionate teachers, so if we want young people to choose chemistry for their future, we need to support future teachers. “The scholarship established by Olainfarm for future chemistry teachers is an excellent example of synergy between the academic field and the business environment,” says Linda Daniela, Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Arts at the University of Latvia, noting that in the new academic year 13 students will start their studies to become science teachers, choosing a specific subject as they begin their studies.

The first three scholarship recipients this spring were students from the University of Latvia – Marija Kramorenko from Riga, Vika Viktorija Kreitāle from Liepaja and Mārtiņš Mārcis Pavļukovskis from Dobele.  All three scholarship holders also worked as chemistry teachers alongside their studies, inspiring students to explore and learn about chemistry, which opens up a wide range of opportunities for young people in their future career choices and professional lives.