Today, AS Olainfarm’s territory played host to major full-scale training, in order to test an emergency situation management system designed in consultation with foreign experts, as well as cooperation with the national emergency services.

“This was the first time in Olainfarm’s history that the company has taken part in emergency situation training on such a large scale, during which we simulated several potential scenarios. As a chemical substance production company, this experience was extremely valuable and necessary for us, so that we are ready to take action in real life if needs be. Thank you to all the emergency services and to our partners for their involvement in organising and enacting this training,” commented Olainfarm Chairman of the Board Juris Bundulis.

“During the training we simulated the leak of a chemical substance, extinguishing a fire and rescuing victims. Training on this scale with three different threats takes place rarely, therefore this was a particularly valuable experience for the State Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS). Overall, the training went very well and all the assigned tasks were carried out. The training scenario introduced us to the company’s operational specifics, enabled us to practice preventing chemical substance leaks, implementation of pollution scenarios and rescuing people in challenging and hazardous conditions. In the event of an accident, it is vital that each and every one of us knows our tasks in response to gestures and short commands. Training like this helps us to develop these skills,” explained SFRS Olaine Branch Commander Dmitrijs Novikovs.

Building the new emergency situation management system took over a year. Among the institutions involved in this process, in creating the cooperation algorithm and training specialists were the State Fire and Rescue Service, the Emergency Medical Assistance Service, State Police, Ministry of Defence, State Security Service, State Environmental Service, Olaine District Council and Olaine District Municipal Police, Kenyon International, as well as other organisations.

The model introduced by AS Olainfarm is unique in Latvia and surpasses global standards – under one system, it combines risk governance, crisis management and post-crisis recovery modules. The system’s functioning in practice was tested during today’s training in order to attain complete confidence in the company’s readiness to fulfil its functions even in the most challenging situations.

During this special training, which was conducted in conditions and harmless to members of the public and employees alike, the leak of a specific chemical substance was simulated, as well as threats of an explosion with victims. Alarm sirens were activated and tested within the territory of AS Olainfarm, parallel to which, colour smoke candles that are not harmful to human health were used for training purposes. In collaboration with the emergency services, AS Olainfarm also tested the procedure for warning and informing the public in a timely manner.