Olpha new product pipeline and registration

Our product portfolio is in constant development. We have committed to expanding the range of products we offer to patients in Latvia and other Western markets in order to keep improving the availability of medicines and help our patients on their way to better health.

Current pipeline

products approved for portfolio expansion
products under registration in EU
Investments in portfolio expanison

Making big investments

Olpha will invest at least 22.25 million euros to product portfolio
expansion in 2024.

Development stages


Behind every medicine available for improving
patients’ health is a detailed and extensive
development process consisting of various

Product-to-patient cycle

Product-to-patient cycle
for generics can take up
to 6 years

The process is very time-consuming and
resource-intensive. It takes at least 2.5 to 6 years
from idea of the product until we can see it on a
pharmacy shelf.

Cooperate with Olpha


For media relations and partnerships


For distributors and business partners

Social Initiatives

For social causes and potential projects


For open positions and career opportunties


Information on prescription medications should only be viewed by healthcare professionals.

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