The Olpha management team – experienced industry professionals

Management Board

Juris Bundulis

Chairman of the Board

Juris brings decades of experience in leading major pharmaceutical companies in the Baltics and has a distinguished background in high-level government administration. He joined Olpha in 2021 as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, and since September 2022, he has held the position of Chairman of the Board. Prior to that, he held prominent positions in other healthcare companies and possesses extensive experience in public administration. Juris has doctoral degrees in both chemistry and biology.

Jānis Leimanis

Board Member, CFO

Jānis is a finance professional with extensive experience in business and finance. He has been a board member of Olpha since June 2021, overseeing financial matters. Previously Jānis has worked in asset management, financial services, and leadership roles in both public and private sectors. He holds a bachelor's degree in mechanics and Mini MBA.

Andris Jegorovs

Board Member, CPO

Andris is a pharmaceutical professional with over 35 years of experience. He has been a board member of Olpha since September 2022 and has been the Production Director since 2021. Andris holds degrees in chemical technology and an MBA, and he is an industry expert with significant contributions to the Latvian Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry Association (LAĶĪFA) and other NGOs.

Supervisory council

Jānis Buks

Chairman of the

Supervisory Council

Andrejs Leibovičs

Member of the

Supervisory Council

Roberts Tavjevs

Member of the

Supervisory Council

Vadims Telica

Member of the

Supervisory Council

Sergejs Korņijenko

Member of the

Supervisory Council

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